Footprint Intelligence logo

Set sustainability targets & drive carbon reduction.

Set your science-based reduction goals and drive quantified decarbonization.

Start by setting the right targets.

Emission reduction plan, science-based targets on the platform

Get smart impact recommendations to reach your goals.

Gain confidence is your tailored decarbonisation roadmap by knowing the potential impact of actions and source industry best-practices.

Quantified impact actions to reach science-based targets
proven decarbonisation ideas

Decarbonization Database

Decarbonization Database

Brainstorming ideas
Engaging employees to reach science-based targets

Collect & quantify ideas across the organization.

Crowdcourse ideas across subject-matter experts and all parts of your organization to maximise your impact and empower for action. Use the Footprint Intelligence platform further to quantify ideas across various factors (e.g. potential CO2 savings) to filter for the best measures.

Create positive effects for your sustainability reporting.

CSRD logo


Digital sustainability reporting for CSRD/ESRS compliance.

GHG protocol, CDP logo

Corporate Carbon Footprint (CCF)

Calculate your Scope 1-3 greenhouse gas emissions.

Drive intelligent impact in your organization.

Real impact. No greenwashing.

Footprint Intelligence clients

Proven. Trusted. Intelligent.


Accurate and based on scientific research.


Highest data security.

Unleash potential positive impact.

By integrating your employees you unleash collect creativity & impact across the organizations. This not just fosters sustainability results but also enables for powerful stories of your brand and sustainability reporting.

Branded sustainability page

Why customers love what we do

The smart choice

The smart choice

Footprint Intelligence

Decarbonization ideas

Quantify potential impact of ideas

Set Science-based targets based on potential

Leverage proven measures and solutions

Track implementation progress

No or other solutions

Decarbonization ideas

Quantify potential impact of ideas

Set Science-based targets based on potential

Leverage proven measures and solutions

Track implementation progress

Save emissions & resources - in one go.

potential improvement in operating profits by reducing resource costs through decarbonization.

• McKinsey

potential increase in sales revenue due to corporate responsibility practices.

• Harvard Business Review

of consumers say they’re more likely to trust brands that are environmentally conscious.

• Cone Communications CSR Study

of employees are more likely to work for a company that stands up for the environment.

• PwC Consumer Intelligence Series

Book your first free meeting.

Daniel Scholz
Christopher Hug

CSRD & Carbon Accounting, Data Expert (Managing Director at Footprint)

CSRD & Circular Economy Expert (ex-BMW Sustainability Team Lead)

Christopher Hug

Daniel Scholz

Would like to learn more about the solution?

Any questions?

Let us know how we can help you on your journey towards sustainability and if you have any questions.