The climate is changing. We are too.

Coudéya’s sustainability practices and goals.

Taking the responsibility

At Coudéya, we understand the urgency of the climate crisis and actively take action against climate change.

Beyond our daily operations, we actively collaborate with environmental organizations to drive systemic change. We believe that it is our duty to inspire and empower our customers to make sustainable choices.

Our approach

Understanding the footprint


Setting science-based targets


Creating impact together


Emissions analysis

Accurate footprint, backed by science.

By understanding our sources for GHG emissions and environmental impact, we can set goals, prioritize actions and work effectively to reduce emissions in order to reach our climate targets.

Going 100% transparent

We are calculating total emissions based on available consumption data and three scopes of the GHG Protocol, analyzing the share of emissions coming per each employee and comparing the results with industry average.

Creating impact

Creating impact

Our steps towards the change

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Organic Cotton

80-100% of our products are crafted using organic cotton, thus eliminating the usage of pesticides, genetic engineering, and exploitation.

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Local Sourcing

At Coudéya, we source our products from Europe, specifically Portugal and Italy. This helps us reduce transport emissions and contribute to a more sustainable supply chain.

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DHL Go Green

We prioritize carbon reduction in our delivery process by exclusively partnering with DHL Go Green for all our shipments.

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Plastic Free

We are committed to eco-friendly practices, and our packaging reflects this by being entirely free from plastic.

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Solar Energy

We heavily rely on solar energy in our home office as a clean and renewable source of power.

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Sustainable Cloud

At Coudéya, we choose Alfahosting - a verified Green Hosting Provider listed in the Green Web Directory.

Als Gründer von Coudéya bin ich stolz darauf, dass wir es nicht nur schaffen unsere Kleidung unter ethisch einwandfreien Bedingungen und nachhaltig in Europa produzieren zu lassen, sondern auch darauf, dass wir schon nach wenigen Monaten unseren klimatischen Fußabdruck auf null reduzieren und sogar klimapositiv werden konnten. Dies erzielen wir durch die Unterstützung diverser Klimaprojekte. Wir wollen eine Revolution in der Modeindustrie anstoßen und mitprägen, weg von der Fast Fashion, hin zu einer bewussteren und nachhaltigeren Nutzung unserer Ressourcen.
— Valentin Hauswirth

Climate investments

We contribute to climate projects, for what we can’t reduce

At Coudéya, we invest in climate projects to bind more emissions than we emit and achieve climate positivity.

Supporting environment

Supporting environment

📍 Para Portel, Brazil

Portel-Para Amazonas Protection

The main objective of the project is to avoid and prevent unplanned deforestation in native forests thus avoiding the net emission of 10,564,630 tCO2e through a period of 41 years of the Project’s lifetime.

The relevance:

  • The endangered Amazon rainforest plays an critical part in regulating the world's oxygen and carbon cycles

  • In the past few decades deforestation has advanced rapidly through clearing for agriculture and illegal logging

  • By protecting the forests, not only many endangered species can be protected, but also the carbon footprint can significantly be reduced

Commited towards global goals.

We empower progress towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

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